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Website Speed Matters

Unlocking the Benefits of Lightning-Fast Websites

Reading Time:

2 min read

Publish Date:

Oct 25 2023

The speed of your website is no longer a mere luxury but a critical necessity. Users demand quick, seamless experiences, and search engines have taken note. In this blog post, we'll explore why website speed matters and the significant SEO benefits of having a lightning-fast and well-structured website. Let's delve into the world of web performance.

Why Website Speed Matters

We live in a fast-paced digital world where Social Media got us used to thousands of new content in a flick of a finger. And we know it's not fair, but users are expecting exactly the same from your website. So loading speed is incredibly important, especially when regarding mobile users or online shoppers.

Here are some facts

According to Google, as page load time increases from one to ten seconds, the probability of visitors leaving your website increases by 123%.
of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.

Amazon saw a 1% revenue increase for every 100 milliseconds of improvement in page load time. 1% does not seem a lot, but believe us, for Amazon it is.

So, what's the impact on a website?

  1. User Experience and Satisfaction
    When it comes to user experience, speed is paramount. Visitors expect websites to load in the blink of an eye. Slow-loading pages frustrate users and often lead to high bounce rates.
  2. First Impressions
    Your website's speed is often the first impression users have of your brand. A sluggish website can deter potential customers before they even explore your content.
  3. Mobile Friendliness
    As mobile devices dominate the internet landscape, a fast-loading website is essential for catering to mobile users. Google's mobile-first indexing prioritises fast websites in search results.
  4. Conversion Rates
    Speed influences your website's ability to convert visitors into customers. A faster site tends to have higher conversion rates, boosting your bottom line.
  5. Improved Search Ranking
    Search engines, particularly Google, consider page speed as a ranking factor. Faster websites tend to rank higher in search results, as they allow engine bots to crawl content more efficiently.

Quick Tips to Boost Website Speed

  1. Optimise Images
    Compress and resize images to reduce load times. It seems obvious, but we are often surprised by how many high-resolution images are still being used on websites.
  2. Minimise HTTP Requests
    Reduce the number of requests by using fewer resources on your page. These can be external scripts, User Interface libraries or content sources. Load assets as and when users require them instead of all upfront.
  3. Leverage Browser Caching
    Set up browser caching to store frequently accessed resources on users' devices.
  4. Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    Use a CDN to distribute your content across multiple servers for faster delivery.
  5. Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources
    Identify and minimise render-blocking CSS and JavaScript files.
  6. Regular Performance Testing
    Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to regularly check your website's performance. All Core Web Vitals should ideally be above 90 which is not always easy and may take time and effort.
Google Lighthouse Report
Google Lighthouse Report

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